St Peter’s has a strong sense of community and school spirit, promoted by our whole school events. Here are a selection of some of the events:
Christmas Play
In December, the senior classes in St. Peter’s get together to rehearse, perfect and perform a very special play before the Christmas holidays. We choose one from the Roald Dahl collection, everyone has a part and gets involved in performing or production. Our Infant classes perform a special show for their parents and families, as do our first and second classes. It’s one of our favourite times of the school year!
Teachers Vs 6th Class Football Match
At the end of every school year, the 6th class pupils bravely take on the staff of St. Peter’s in a very fun, yet competitive football match. It is preceded by weeks of friendly banter and intense training by pupils and staff! The day itself draws crowds of support and cheering from excited parents and students, with the winning team gaining endless pride and a prized trophy.
Each June the 6th class pupils attend a very unique and inspiring graduation ceremony in the school. There is always a great crowd at the graduation – friends, family and staff of the school. We also often see our GAA coaches and our Hollyoaks Montessori friends too! It shows how highly the children are thought of. As part of the graduation ceremony, the 6th class teacher speaks about each child individually and presents them with a certificate of graduation and a prized class photo. There are numerous awards on the night, most notably; best homework award, best attendance, student of the Year. It is always difficult to choose a Student of the Year, the award recognises school spirit, kindness to the younger classes and involvement in school activities..
Sports Day
Each June (weather permitting!) we hold an all school outdoor sports day which students and staff alike, thoroughly enjoy and look forward to! Highlights of the day include each class taking on the teachers in games of Bulldog, the high jump, mini golf, tag rugby, obstacle course, the multi-sports in the afternoon with the boys playing hurling, football, basketball, volleyball, and hockey. A tasty BBQ afterwards with smiles and laughs ends the day on a high!
In the third term of the year, our 2nd and 6th class students who wish to do so have the opportunity to prepare for their First Communion and Confirmation ceremonies. Sr Patricia, from St. Peter’s Parish, is instrumental in preparing our students and a choir from the other classes in the school sing at the ceremonies. It’s a special time of celebration for community and family.
Book Fair
Each Spring St.Peter’s hosts the Scholastic Book Fair for a full week whereby pupils have a chance to browse and buy a wide variety of books, annuals and activity books for all ages and tastes.
Safer Internet Day
Here in St Peter’s, we are very conscious of Internet Safety. While it’s important to have general rules to prevent cyber bullying and to protect ourselves online, it’s even more important to develop skills and attitudes to help us to respond to any situation.
The Community Gardaí visit our 5th and 6th classes to speak to them about safety online and ways to protect ourselves.
Every class does different activities to reiterate the importance of internet safety on Internet Safety day; watch safety videos or explore Webwise.
Roald Dahl Day
We celebrate Roald Dahl on September 13th every year because that was his birthday! We celebrate his life and works at St. Peter’s because we think he is one of the best writers and love his books! We remember our favourite characters and places in his books, we make dream jars, lickable wall paper and even write sentences backwards!
Curriculum Weeks
- Maths Week
We have a huge focus on maths skills every week in St. Peter’s, but during Maths Week every October we come together as a school and compete in mixed teams to show off our skills, logic and problem solving technique.
- Science Week
Science week is held each November and schools all over Ireland ensure to have a huge focus on Science, scientists, exploring and investigating and St. Peter’s is no different! Each class undertakes a different project with a different focus to celebrate Science week; some research famous inventions while others become the inventors and creators themselves! Every class gets to show off their findings on the schoolblog and newsletter.
World Book Day
World Book Day is celebrated globally on March 6th every year. It gives us a special reminder to stop and think back to all of the wonderfully exciting and interesting books we have read over the years. At St. Peter’s we like to share our opinions and thoughts on favourite characters, favourite authors (we just LOVE Roald Dahl!) and favourite books; we all get so many wonderful ideas of new books to read on World Book Day after sharing ideas. Some of us become illustrators for the day by designing new covers for our favourite books, other pupils review books and some even write their own!
Bike Day
Every May, St. Peter’s holds a Bike Day. This is a fun day of challenges, where we are reminded of the importance of safety on our roads.
Engineering Week
Engineering Week takes place in early Spring each year, it reminds to think about the world around us and appreciate the everyday things we see and use that are possible thanks to wonderful engineers. The pupils can get very creative in St. Peter’s during engineering week,; they have been known to plan and construct their own buildings, cars and skylines through inter-class k’nex challenges, compete in whole school engineering quizzes and even make paper aeroplanes in school!
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Seachtain na Gaeilge takes place in schools all around Ireland in March every year. At St. Peter’s we make a huge effort to speak gaeilge informally throughout the week, and not just during Irish lessons. Each class learns new songs, poems and dances as gaeilge and have a whole school performance in the hall on Friday. We take part in a whole school table quiz, as gaeilge of course and make an effort to celebrate all things ‘Irish’ this week – food, music, language, authors, poets, dance… the list goes on!